Tag Archives: love letters

WT Cupid

14 Feb

Why is it that Valentine’s day is about flowers and chocolates and romantic gestures?  These are things that make most people, not just women, happy 365 days a year.  Don’t wait for February 14th to go out of your way to show your significant other that you love them.  On a day that has been touted as a Hallmark holiday and one that men all over the world dread, here are a few thoughts on making not just today special but practices that we should try to incorporate into our daily lives as much as possible.

Giving.  It doesn’t have to be a $150 bouquet of long stem roses or a box of decadent chocolates. I recently gave someone half a bag of Dove chocolates (I kept the other half) and every time we opened one, we sent the other person the sweet message that was under the wrapper.  The sentiment lasted for weeks and those little love messages were even better than the smooth creamy chocolate inside.


Partnership.  One of the biggest things I’ve learned in marriage and in being an Entrepreneur is that if your partner isn’t a partner, then you are better off going at it alone.  Everyone could use an extra ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on, another set of hands.  Not just when it comes to work but also when it comes to a relationship.  Know your partner – how to speak to them, how to listen to them, how to react to them and most importantly, understand them and what they need from you as their partner.   Last year I wrote about the 5 Languages of Love – look them up, figure out what your partner is and learn to speak their language.  Thank me later.

Respect.  The way you speak to each other and treat each other…. alone and when other people are around…. says so much about your level of respect for each other. Treat each other the way you want your kids to treat other people.  And remember that your actions speak a lot louder than your words.

Adoration.  Remember in the beginning of your relationship when you truly went out of your way to make your new love feel special and loved.  You may have sent them sweet notes, walked their dog for them, shoveled their driveway or picked up the phone in the middle of a chaotic day just to say hi and hear their voice.    Maybe you had a cute name for them like pookie or cupcake or baby.  Start again… let them know you adore them with little gestures….. use your pet name for them again if you haven’t in a while, leave them a little love letter.  It will bring back memories of the early days and maybe create a new spark.

Screen Shot 2014-02-14 at 11.18.28 PM(card courtesy of http://www.elumdesigns.com)

Reflect.  Granted we were a lot younger and dumber back in the 80’s and early 90’s when it came to relationships but remember when you didn’t have a cell phone in your hand 24/7?  Remember how you had to communicate when you couldn’t send a text and you actually had to call someone and talk to them with the spoken word?  We are all busy these days and caught up with our phones, computer and ipads and the endless amount of shows we have access to thanks to Netflix and AppleTv. Try to take a few hours a week (I initially wrote day instead of week and then realized how much that would be asking) without technology and focus on the person in your life without the constant interruptions.  Enjoy the moment that you’re in without having to share it with the world on a social media channel.

Happy Valentine’s Day from WTHayley